Solving science mysteries

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Why do diamonds sparkle?

all about earth's resources
An illustrated series of questions and answers about the world's natural resources such as where gems and gold are mined, the importance of forests, why plastics are harmful, and why diamonds sparkle.

Why do balls bounce?

all about gravity
Provides answers to questions about gravity, mass and weight, and motion, features facts about gravity-related advances and discoveries, and includes profiles of people who have contributed to gravity knowledge.

Why do shadows lengthen?

all about light
Uses a question-and-answer format to provide basic information about the properties of light. Includes full-color photographs and a glossary.

Why do glaciers grind?

all about extreme environments
Profiles some of the world's more extreme environments, describing their harsh temperatures or conditions and the natural forces that influence them.

Why do volcanoes erupt?

all about earth science
An introduction to earth science that explores the geological forces that shape the planet.

Why does electricity flow?

all about electricity
Provides answers to questions about electricity, static electricity, batteries, and electricity at home, and features facts about electricity-related advances and discoveries, as well as profiles of people who have contributed to the field.

Why do monkeys chatter?

all about animals
Explores why some animals act the way they do, describing how they communicate, behave, and interact with one another.

Why do balls bounce?

all about gravity
Provides answers to questions about gravity, mass and weight, and motion, features facts about gravity-related advances and discoveries, and includes profiles of people who have contributed to gravity knowledge.
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