new orleans (la.)

Geographic Name
new orleans (la.)

The life of Ruby Bridges

Shares the life and work of Ruby Bridges, the first black child to attend an all-white school in New Orleans.


"Before Nick Carraway moved to West Egg and into Gatsby's periphery, he was at the center of a very different story--one taking place along the trenches and deep within the tunnels of World War I. Floundering in the wake of the destruction he witnessed firsthand, Nick delays his return home, hoping to escape the questions he cannot answer about the horrors of war. Instead, he embarks on a transcontinental redemptive journey that takes him from a whirlwind Paris romance--doomed from the very beginning--to the dizzying frenzy of New Orleans, rife with its own flavor of debauchery and violence"--OCLC.

Ruby Bridges

a brave child who made history
Introduces the life of Ruby Bridges, who was the first African American student to integrate an elementary school in the south.

The New Orleans levee failure

"Hurricane Katrina struck the city of New Orleans in 2005. The levees and floodwalls built to protect the city failed. Many neighborhoods flooded, and more than 1,800 people died. Thousands more were left stranded. [This book] examines the scope of the disaster, its causes, and how people can keep a similar disaster from happening again"--Provided by publisher.

This is your time

"Civil rights activist Ruby Bridges--who, at the age of six, was the first African American to integrate an all-white elementary school in New Orleans--shares her story through text and historical photographs, offering a powerful call to action"--Provided by publisher.

Heroes of Hurricane Katrina

Presents ten stories of the people who risked their lives to save others during Hurricane Katrina.

Ruby Bridges

Presents a brief biography of Ruby Bridges, the first African American girl to go to an all-white school in Louisiana.

Ruby, head high

Ruby Bridges's first day of school
Inspired by an iconic Norman Rockwell painting and translated from an original French text, this is a story about the day a little girl held her head high and changed the world.

Celebrate with Tiana

plan a Princess and the frog party
"Make fun decorations, party favors, and treats inspired by 'The Princess and the Frog' to transport your party to the New Orleans bayou. As you plan, get tips on working hard to achieve your goals, discover how to be a good host just like Tiana, and learn facts about New Orleans"--Provided by publisher.


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