Roy, Ron

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The ghost at Camp David

KC and her friend Marshall accompany KC's stepfather, the United States President, to remote Camp David, where they find clues that point to either ghostly or criminal activity.

March mischief

When three leprechaun statues disappear just before St. Patrick's Day, Bradley, Brian, Nate, Lucy, and other friends follow clues in order to prove that Lucky O'Leary is innocent of the crime.

Sleepy Hollow sleepover

Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are enjoying Halloween fun in Sleepy Hollow, New York, but when unplanned spooky things start happening, they investigate whether a real headless horseman might be to blame.

Sleepy Hollow Sleepover

A to Z Mysteries
The kids are spending Halloween in Sleepy Hollow, NY. Is there a real Headless Horseman haunting the town?.
Cover image of Sleepy Hollow Sleepover

The Zombie Zone

Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are excited to vacation in the Louisiana bayou country. But the small village they visit has a scary problem. The villagers tell stories of voodoo and a giant zombie with silver hair who has been digging up graves in the cemetery. Can the zombie be real? The kids will have to brave the zombie zone to unearth the truth.

The School Skeleton

At Green Lawn Elementary, the entire school becomes involved in a mystery when Mr. Bones, the skeleton in the nurse's office, disappears.

The Talking T. Rex

Meet Tyrone the Tyrannosaurus, Green Lawn's newest -- and biggest -- visitor. The kids' old friend Jud Wheat is in town, and he's raising funds for a dinosaur museum by taking the T. Rex on tour. But after the show in Green Lawn, all Jud's money disappears! Can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose track down the cash and rescue Jud from this prehistoric pickle?.

The Vampire's Vacation

Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose investigate a mysterious man in black who Josh believes is a vampire.

The White Wolf

While visiting their friend Wallis and her adopted daughter on Mount Desert Island, Maine, Josh, Dink, and Ruth Rose investigate why three white wolf cubs were stolen, and by whom.

The Yellow Yacht

Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose help catch the thieves who have stolen gold from Sammi's parents, the king and queen of Costra.


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