walker, mary edwards

walker, mary edwards

Mary Walker wears the pants

the true story of the doctor, reformer, and Civil War hero
A biography of Mary Edwards Walker, who shocked people in the last half of the 1800s by wearing men's pants and becoming one of the first women physicians in the United States. During the Civil War, she tended to the wounded on both sides, was given an officer's post, was arrested as a spy, and spent several months in a prison in Atlanta, Georgia. After the war, Mary Walker became the first female recipient of the Medal of Honor.

Civil War doctor

the story of Mary Walker
Tells the life story of Mary Edwards Walker, an abolitionist's daughter who chose not to wear the constricting women's fashions of her time, volunteered medical services in the Civil War and won a Medal of Honor after being refused a commission as an army surgeon, and fought for women's rights.


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