Ciencia asombrosa

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habitats humedos
Describes the unique wetlands ecosystem, exploring the climate, the animals that live there, the plants they feed off, and other related topics.

Las rocas

duras, blandas, lisas y ?speras
Introduces the three types of rocks--igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic--discussing where they can be found, and explaining what can be learned from the study of rocks. Includes an identification chart and activities.

Sopla y silba

un libro sobre el viento
Explains what wind is and where it comes from, looks at different types of winds, discusses hurricanes and tornadoes, and includes activities.

El agua

arriba, abajo y en todos lados
Describes the water cycle and the importance of water, explaining evaporation and condensation, dew and frost, and water's three states, and includes experiments.

Copos y cristales

un libro sobre la nieve
Explains what snow is and how it forms, looks at the characteristics of snowflakes, discusses why snow makes noise when it is walked upon, and includes activities.

El ojo de la tormenta

un libro sobre huracanes
Explains how a tropical storm turns into a hurricane, describes what happens when a hurricane reaches land, and provides guidelines for surviving a hurricane when evacuation is impossible.

Rambum! Pum!

un libro sobre tormentas
Explains how a thunderstorm forms, describes its warning signs, discusses such topics as storm cells, electric energy, and squall lines, and provides thunderstorm safety guidelines.

Juush! Ruum!

un libro sobre tornados
Explains how a tornado forms, describes its warning signs, discusses such topics as updrafts, downdrafts, and rotation, and provides tornado safety guidelines.

Altas y bajas, blancas y grises

un libro sobre las nubes
An introduction to clouds, describing different types of clouds, looking at how they form, and discussing their role in making rain and snow.

Luz de noche

un libro sobre la luna
Illustrations and simple text introduce young readers to interesting fact about the moon.


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