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The truth about diets

the pros and cons
Identifies obesity as a health crisis of epidemic proportions in the United States, examines the health problems associated with obesity, discusses the burgeoning diet industry, and looks at what bodies really need for good health.

Diseases and disabilities caused by weight problems

the overloaded body
Identifies obesity as a health crisis of epidemic proportions in the United States, and discusses some of the diseases and disabilities associated with excess weight, including diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, sleep apnea, and others.

Fats, sugars, and empty calories

the fast food habit
Identifies obesity as a health crisis of epidemic proportions in the United States, provides information about calories and nutrients, and discusses the role of fast food in perpetuating the weight problem, with advice on how to fight the fast food habit.

America's unhealthy lifestyle

supersize it!
Identifies obesity as a health crisis of epidemic proportions in the United States, discusses the role of fast food and supersizing in perpetuating the problem, and offers advice on how to make healthier choices.

Social discrimination and body size

too big to fit
Identifies obesity as a health crisis of epidemic proportions in the United States, examines the health problems associated with obesity, looks at some of the reasons why people become overweight, and discusses the problem of discrimination against people society considers too big.

Diet and your emotions

the comfort food falsehood
Presents a comprehensive study of obesity in America, and discusses why some people overeat, health risks such as hypertension and diabetes, and ways to achieve nutritional and emotional balance.

Clothing, cosmetic, and self-esteem tips

making the most of the body you have
Offers advice to teens on how to develop self-confidence, and how to make the most of their bodies and looks with skin care, makeup, flattering hairstyles, and clothing, and discusses the importance of cultivating inner beauty.

Medications and surgeries for weight loss

when dieting isn't enough
Identifies obesity as a health crisis of epidemic proportions in the United States, examines the health problems associated with obesity, and discusses the pros and cons of weight loss medications and surgeries.

The importance of physical activity and exercise

the fitness factor
Identifies obesity as a health crisis of epidemic proportions in the United States, examines the health problems associated with obesity, and discusses the role of physical activity and exercise in attaining and maintaining good health, with advice on how to make exercise a habit.

How genetics and environment shape us

the destined body
Identifies obesity as a health crisis of epidemic proportions in the United States, examines the health problems associated with obesity, and discusses the role of genetics and environment in determining a person's size.
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