Libal, Autumn

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youth with chronic illness
Discusses chronic illness, including some of the different types of illnesses, the difficulty of diagnosing them, and the adjustments that are required to live with such illnesses.

My name is not Slow

youth with mental retardation
Tells the story of Penelope, a girl who has Down syndrome, her growth and development, and how she and her family are affected by her condition.

Runaway train

youth with emotional disturbance
Tells the story of Sheila, a high school student suffering from severe emotional disturbance, and her attempts to cope by venting her rage, cutting herself, and starving herself before getting the help she needs to begin to recover.

The Ocean inside

youth who are deaf and hard of hearing
The personal story of a boy born with profound hearing loss is accompanied by information about topics related to deafness.

Taking care of your smile

a teen's guide to dental care
Examines how dental care has developed throughout the ages and introduces some of today's most cutting-edge technologies.

Runaway train

youth with emotional disturbance
Tells the story of Sheila, a high school student suffering from severe emotional disturbance, and her attempts to cope by venting her rage, cutting herself, and starving herself before getting the help she needs to begin to recover.

The ocean inside

children who are deaf and hard of hearing
The personal story of a boy born with profound hearing loss is accompanied by information about topics related to deafness.

Women in the Hispanic world

Describes the historical and contemporary lives of Hispanic women, their religious, family, and public lives, and issues and controversies they face, and discusses the work of individual Hispanic women who have made a difference in the world.

Drug therapy and psychosomatic disorders

Describes the characteristics and drug treatment of psychosomatic disorders, as well as alternative therapies.

Drug therapy and postpartum disorders

Describes the characteristics and drug treatment of postpartum depression and related psychiatric disorders.


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