Appleby, Alex

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I can be an astronaut

Text and illustrations tell about how to pursue a dream of being an astronaut.
Cover image of I can be an astronaut

I can be an artist

Text and illustrations tell about how to pursue a dream of being an artist.
Cover image of I can be an artist

Lo que oigo =

What I hear
Simple text and illustrations provide an introduction to the sense of hearing. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of Lo que oigo =

Que? sucede en primavera? =

What happens in spring?
Text and photographs introduce spring, discussing the weather of the season as well as common sights, such as baby birds hatching and flowers starting to grow.
Cover image of Que? sucede en primavera? =

Lo que pruebo =

What I taste
Simple text and illustrations provide an introduction to the sense of taste. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of Lo que pruebo =

Lo que veo =

What I see
Simple text and illustrations provide an introduction to the sense of sight. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of Lo que veo =

Lo que toco =

What I touch
Simple text and illustrations provide an introduction to the sense of touch. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of Lo que toco =

Lo que huelo =

What I smell
Simple text and illustrations provide an introduction to the sense of smell. Presented in English and Spanish.
Cover image of Lo que huelo =

Dinosaurs help out

Baby dinosaur illustrations introduce ways to help others.
Cover image of Dinosaurs help out

Dinosaurs at the zoo

Simple text and illustrations introduce different animals seen at the zoo with colorful baby dinosaurs.
Cover image of Dinosaurs at the zoo


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