western front

Topical Term
western front

Combat WW II

European theater of operations

Life on the Western Front

Describes the weapons used in World War I; what life was like for soldiers on the front line, and how the trench systems of the Western Front saw some of the heaviest fighting of World War I.


how I fought World War II with morphine, sulfa, and iodine swabs

Back to the front

an accidental historian walks the trenches of World War I

Fighting Patton

George S. Patton Jr. through the eyes of his enemies
Examines the military career of General George S. Patton Jr., focusing on his triumphs and failures as seen from the point of view of his enemies. Draws on hundreds of unpublished unit reports, officer accounts, telephone transcripts, and other wartime records.

The boys' crusade

the American infantry in northwestern Europe, 1944-1945
Chronicles the experiences of American infantrymen in Europe during World War II from the point of view of the men who fought it.

Biggest brother

the life of Major D. Winters, the man who led the band of brothers

Brothers in battle, best of friends

two WWII paratroopers from the original band of brothers tell their story
Details the experiences of William Guarnere and Edward Heffron, two members of the Army's 101st Airborne Division--also known as Easy Company--who fought side by side during World War II and remained friends throughout the war and after.

Silent night

the story of the World War I Christmas truce
Tells the true story of the truce that spontaneously arose between German and British soldiers manning the trenches on Christmas Eve 1914, just weeks after the start of the Great War.


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