race discrimination

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race discrimination

Confronting racism

In 2013, a powerful phrase appeared for the first time on social media in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the death of 17-year-old Black teen Trayvon Martin: Black Lives Matter (BLM). Many adolescents have been empowered by Black Lives Matter posts and protests to take on anti-Black violence and racism. This title is an important resource that highlights Black and Brown's voices standing up to oppressive systems. The explanatory text also allows readers to understand and confront the ways racism influences public health crises such as COVID-19 and the scientific and academic realms.
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the American legacy of land theft and the modern movement for Black land ownership
Why is less than 1% of rural land in the U.S. owned by Black people? An acclaimed writer and activist explores the impact of land theft and violent displacement on racial wealth gaps, arguing that justice stems from the literal roots of the earth. To understand the contemporary racial wealth gap, we must first unpack the historic attacks on Indigenous and Black land ownership. From the moment that colonizers set foot on Virginian soil, a centuries-long war was waged, resulting in an existential dilemma: Who owns what on stolen land? Who owns what with stolen labor? To answer these questions, we must confront one of this nation's first sins: stealing, hoarding, and commodifying the land. Research suggests that between 1910 and 1997, Black Americans lost about 90% of their farmland. Land theft widened the racial wealth gap, privatized natural resources, and created a permanent barrier to access that should be a birthright for Black and Indigenous communities. Rooted traces the experiences of Brea Baker's family history of devastating land loss in Kentucky and North Carolina, identifying such violence as the root of persistent inequality in this country. Ultimately, her grandparents' commitment to Black land ownership resulted in the Bakers Acres--a haven for the family where they are sustained by the land, surrounded by love, and wholly free. A testament to the Black farmers who dreamed of feeding, housing, and tending to their communities, Rooted bears witness to their commitment to freedom and reciprocal care for the land. By returning equity to a dispossessed people, we can heal both the land and our nation's soul.

Half American

the epic story of African Americans fighting World War II at home and abroad
"The definitive history of World War II from the African American perspective, written by civil rights expert and Dartmouth history professor Matthew Delmont. Over one million Black men and women served in World War II. Black troops were at Normandy, Iwo Jima, and the Battle of the Bulge, serving in segregated units and performing unheralded but vital support jobs, only to be denied housing and educational opportunities on their return home. Without their crucial contributions to the war effort, the United States could not have won the war. And yet the stories of these Black veterans have long been ignored, cast aside in favor of the myth of the "Good War" fought by the "Greatest Generation." Half American is American history as you've likely never read it before. In these pages are stories of Black heroes such as Thurgood Marshall, the chief lawyer for the NAACP, who investigated and publicized violence against Black troops and veterans; Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., leader of the Tuskegee Airmen, who was at the forefront of the years-long fight to open the Air Force to Black pilots; Ella Baker, the civil rights leader who advocated on the home front for Black soldiers, veterans, and their families; James Thompson, the 26-year-old whose letter to a newspaper laying bare the hypocrisy of fighting against fascism abroad when racism still reigned at home set in motion the Double Victory campaign; and poet Langston Hughes, who worked as a war correspondent for the Black press. Their bravery and patriotism in the face of unfathomable racism is both inspiring and galvanizing. In a time when the questions World War II raised regarding race and democracy in America remain troublingly relevant and still unanswered, this meticulously researched retelling makes for urgently necessary reading"--.

Free the land

how we can fight poverty and climate chaos
"An eye-opening examination of how treating land as a source of profit has a massive impact on racial inequality and the housing, gentrification, and environmental crises. Climate change, gentrification, racial discrimination, and corporate greed are some of the most urgent problems facing our society. They are traditionally treated as unrelated issues, but they all share a common root: the ownership of land. . . . lookd at the ways that our relationship to the land is the core cause of the most pressing justice issues in North America. . . . weaves together seemingly disparate themes into a unified theory of social justice, describes how the land ownership system developed over the centuries, and presents original reporting from a wide range of activists and policy makers to illustrate the profound impact it continues to have on our society today"--Provided by publisher.

Why does everything have to be about race?

25 arguments that won't go away
"The Civil War was about states' rights, not slavery!" "If you don't like it here, you should go back to Africa." "What about Black-on-Black crime?" "You're just playing the race card." There's a whole arsenal of popular "gotchas" that crop up again and again in discussions about race in America. According to the people who use them, Critical Race Theory is a dangerous threat that promotes racial hatred, and affirmative action is reverse discrimination. At the same time, they insist that racism ended with the Obama presidency, and Black people should be grateful for the privilege of living in the United States. In Why Does Everything Have to Be About Race? Keith Boykin sets the record straight, explaining why such all-too-common assertions are simply not true. Effortlessly combining history, pop culture, and stories from his own life, Boykin lays out the truth about anti-Black racism and white supremacy in America. Racist lies and misbeliefs just don't seem to go away-but with the help of this book, they also won't go unchallenged"--.

An inconvenient minority

the attack on Asian American excellence and the fight for meritocracy
This look at the Students for Fair Admission v. Harvard case examines the policy proposals that serve to exclude Asian Americans from the upper ranks of the elite and the false narrative of American meritocracy.

A kids book about racism

Explores racism in a way that's accessible to kids by describing what it is, how it makes people feel when they experience it, and how to spot it when it happens.
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The enduring, invisible, and ubiquitous centrality of whiteness

"[T]his book posits that whiteness is a pervasive ideology that is rarely overtly identified or examined, although it has profound effects on race relationships in therapy and beyond. Being intentional about naming, deconstructing, and dismantling whiteness is a precursor to responding effectively to the racial reckoning of our society and improving race relationships, addressing systemic bias, and moving toward the creation of a more racially just world. Contributors to the volume are from different backgrounds and trainings, and write on such topics as: the vicious cycle of white centrality; being Black in a world of whiteness; undoing internalized white supremacy; intersectionality and the contradictions of a white, Jewish identity; becoming an antiracist leader; and building an antiracist clinical practice"--Provided by publisher.


the true story of a racist social media account and the teenagers whose lives it changed
"A young adult nonfiction book on how Albany High School handles a racist social media incident that incurs lasting and devastating consequences.".
Cover image of Accountable

Excellence in STEM

"Students will learn about some of the inventions and discoveries Black men and women have made in the world of STEM. From Dr. Marie Maynard Daly to Dr. Tai-Danae Bradley, some of the many ways Black people have contributed to our country's science and technology are explored"--Provided by publisher.


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