Sturges, Philemon

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How do you make a baby smile?

An illustrated rhyme featuring how animal and human parents make their babies smile.

Sacred places

Describes various types of space which are sacred to different religions, including churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, and other shrines.

I love tools!

A boy and girl use a variety of tools to make a house for a friendly bluebird.

The Little Red Hen makes a pizza

In this version of the traditional tale, the duck, the dog, and the cat refuses to help the Little Red Hen make a pizza but do get to participate when the time comes to eat it.

The twelve days of Christmas

a pi?ata for the pi?on tree
A southwestern-themed adaptation of the traditional Christmas carol. Includes illustrations and a cookie recipe.

I love bugs!

A boy with a passion for bugs explores the outdoors around his home, describing the many kinds he likes, from ones that paddle and ones that weave, to ones that make honey and ones that chew leaves.

The Little Red Hen makes a pizza

In this version of the traditional tale, the duck, the dog, and the cat refuse to help the Little Red Hen make a pizza but do get to participate when the time comes to eat it.


This rhyming story reveals the real reason why dogs always sniff each other when they meet.

Bridges are to cross

Discusses different kinds of bridges, from train bridges to fortified castle bridges, and provides an example of each.

Ten flashing fireflies

Two children catch fireflies on a summer night, putting them one by one into a jar until all ten are caught, and then they let them out to watch all ten fly away.


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