Cool science

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Experiments with force and motion

Presenting experiments in a step-by-step format, this book helps young scientists discover the principles of force and motion.
Cover image of Experiments with force and motion


Explores the history of bionics and how it has been used to replace body parts, fix malfunctions, and assist the senses.
Cover image of Bionics

Science of emotions

An overview of human emotions. Explains what causes and shapes emotions and how they can be managed. Focuses on six basic emotions: happiness, sadness, surprise, disgust, fear, and anger. Includes color photos and illustrations as well as a glossary.

Artificial intelligence

Describes artificial intelligence and its impact on various fields including entertainment, transportation, the military, and medicine. Discusses the future of artificial intelligence, and the ethical questions surrounding it. Features color illustrations, a glossary, biographical sidebars, and sources of more information.

Experiments with weather and climate

Provides illustrated, step-by-step instructions for simple science experiments that focus on weather and climate, and includes troubleshooting and safety tips.

Science beats crime

Introduces forensic science, including fingerprint technology, DNA, and ballistics, and describes how criminal investigators use these techniques to solve crimes.

Unusual diseases

Photographs and real-world examples explain scientific findings about deadly diseases, discussing plagues, pandemics, genetic diseases, bioterrorism, disease control and prevention, and more.


The author presents a brief study of the science of life in the universe.

Sports science

Explores the advances science has made in sports, and how science plays an important role in the games we play.

Spare parts for people

Explores the advances science has made in organic and artificial human replacement parts.


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