Essential viewpoints

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The death penalty

Provides an overview of the controversy over the death penalty, discusses the role of religion and other factors in determining whether people support or oppose the death penalty, and looks at special considerations and the future of the practice. Includes photographs and illustrations, a time line, and other resources.

Oil and energy alternatives

Examines critical debates associated with oil and energy alternatives, discussing the rising cost of oil, signs of an oil crisis, U.S. domestic policies, international relations, oil and the environment, carbon-free energy, and other related topics.

Women's roles in religion

An overview of the historical and contemporary role of women in world religions including Protestantism, Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam. Contains a timeline, a fact list, and a glossary.

Media censorship

Describes censorship and how it relates to the First Amendment; and presents arguments in favor of and against various forms of censorship.

Health care reform

This book examines the critical debates on health care reform, discussing the signing of Medicare and Medicaid into law, health care as a human right, the Canadian health care system, President Obama's health plan, and mandatory health insurance.

Extremist groups

Discusses extremist groups in the U.S., such as American jihadists, abortion oppositionists, white supremacists, eco-terrorists, and others, and covers issues about the rights of these groups and related court cases, and provides a timeline.

Teaching intelligent design

Explores the controversy over the teaching of Intelligent Design along side evolution in America's public schools, and describes the debate in Dover, Pennsylvania.

Affirmative action

Examines the controversy and debate over Affirmative Action policies in a number of colleges and universities; and discusses the history of Affirmative Action, U.S. Supreme Court decisions, and whether or not it should be continued.

Genetically modified foods

Examines the debate on genetically modified foods, discussing opposing arguments on the benefits of organic foods, how genetically modified foods are tested, business practices, humanitarian concerns, and other topics. Includes a time line, essential facts, resources, a glossary, and an index.

Legalized gambling

Examines debates and issues related to gambling, reviewing the history of gambling, and discussing its role in the economy, state-sanctioned gambling, gambling as entertainment, addiction, tribal gaming, and other topics.


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