information technology

Topical Term
information technology

The history of information

"A . . . look at the story of information; from the first languages and cave paintings, through to how we communicate and record information today . . . A global journey throughout history from the origination of language, how information has been passed on and recorded, and how this affected humanity"--Publisher.
Cover image of The history of information

The technology in STEAM

Technology combines several aspects of STEAM education. Students of technology use science, engineering, and math to create tools and solve problems. In this book, young readers will learn about what technology means, who studies it, and how it relates to their own lives. They'll discover how technology is applied in real-life scenarios and come to appreciate how technology has transformed our world. Complex concepts are distilled in a clear, easy-to-understand way, which will inspire readers' enthusiasm and encourage them to question what innovations they might create themselves.
Cover image of The technology in STEAM

Bottoms up and the devil laughs

a journey through the deep state
"Who are you? You are data about data. You are a map of connections--a culmination of everything you have ever posted, searched, emailed, liked, and followed . . . investigates the curious implications of living in the age of the indelible . . . A soap opera set in the deep state . . . [this book] is a free fall into a world where everything is recorded and nothing is sacred, from a singular writer unafraid to ask essential questions about the strangeness of modern life"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Bottoms up and the devil laughs


a brief history of information networks from the Stone Age to AI
"For the last 100,000 years, we Sapiens have accumulated enormous power. But despite all our discoveries, inventions, and conquests, we now find ourselves in an existential crisis. The world is on the verge of ecological collapse. Misinformation abounds. And we are rushing headlong into the age of AI--a new information network that threatens to annihilate us. For all that we have accomplished, why are we so self-destructive? 'Nexus' looks through the long lens of human history to consider how the flow of information has shaped us, and our world. Taking us from the Stone Age, through the canonization of the Bible, early modern witch-hunts, Stalinism, Nazism, and the resurgence of populism today, Yuval Noah Harari asks us to consider the complex relationship between information and truth, bureaucracy and mythology, wisdom and power. He explores how different societies and political systems throughout history have wielded information to achieve their goals, for good and ill. And he addresses the urgent choices we face as non-human intelligence threatens our very existence"--Provided by publisher.

Tech for teacher wellness

strategies for a healthy life and sustainable career
"Get practical strategies for using technology to reclaim more personal space and time; connect with colleagues; and make positive changes in your life, in the classroom and on campus. Educators are feeling overwhelmed. The global pandemic brought a tsunami of edtech tools that had to be adopted suddenly under emergency circumstances, and the stress of that and other unprecedented challenges has caused many teachers to consider leaving the profession. Technology has often been portrayed as part of the problem, with many believing that the best way to pursue wellness is to unplug and avoid digital tools altogether. This book takes a different approach, showing that technology used wisely can promote wellness, rather than undermine it. Author and technology facilitator Meredith Masar Boullion presents research on the importance of caring for the emotional health of educators, then offers strategies for using technology to reduce educator stress and better provide for the social and emotional needs of school communities"--Provided by publisher.

Digital madness

how social media is driving our mental health crisis--and how to restore our sanity
"'Digital Madness' explores how technology promotes sedentary isolation, polarization, rewards extremes on both sides, and has spawned a mental health and suicide pandemic from which enormous corporations profit. Dr. Kardaras offers a path out of our crisis, using examples from classical philosophy that encourage resilience, critical thinking, concentration, and other beneficial habits of mind"--Provided by publisher.

Digital literacy

what is it and why does it matter?
Though experts disagree about the specific meaning of the term digital literacy, it is usually used to refer to a variety of skills, including the ability to find content online, to create digital content, to communicate digitally, and-perhaps most important-to evaluate what is found online for accuracy and trustworthiness.


what is it and how to identify it
Whether false information spreads by ignorance and/or accident, or by misunderstandings, or by purposeful lies designed to fool people, all examples of the phenomenon share a common thread. Namely, they are potentially harmful to either specific individuals, or society in general, or both.

Exploring solutions

online disinformation and misinformation
Misinformation can spread like wildfire online, reaching people worldwide. Misinformation is driving increasing political polarization, endangering public health and communities, and increasing public distrust of the media, government, and other institutions. People are left unsure of what to believe and who to trust.

Learn the language of digital tech

"Technology is always changing and upgrading--and so is the vocabulary. It can be hard to keep up with the ways tech companies and users talk about the newest gadgets. In this book, readers are able to learn the most important and relevant tech terms in order to understand the growing technology around them better. Through accessible definitions and age-appropriate examples, the text is a great reference for readers of many levels and abilities. Word games and fact boxes throughout the text engage readers and aid in comprehension"--Publisher.


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