indians of central america

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indians of central america

The El Dorado adventure

Traveling to Central America to inspect her estate holdings, seventeenyear-old Vesper tries to stop a villain from building a canal which would destroy an Indian tribe's homeland.

Golden tales

myths, legends, and folktales from Latin America
Collection of twelve myths, legends, and folktales reflecting the history of Latin America before and after the arrival of the Spaniards in 1492, drawing from the traditions of thirteen countries and four native cultures.

Once when the world was green

When his vanity and greed cause him to needlessly kill animals, Corn Grower almost loses his precious life with his wife, Moon-Sun, and their son, Small Ears.

Student almanac of Native American history

Traces the history of Native Americans from prehistoric times to the Trail of Tears, discussing their struggles to keep their culture alive, and introducing significant Native American leaders. Includes maps, time lines, and excerpts from historical documents.

The Maya

Presents an overview of the Mayan culture, discussing their government, religion, domestic life, recreation, occupations, entertainment, food, shelter, and clothing.

Everyday life of the Maya

Describes the highly developed Mayan civilization noted for its achievements in architecture, mathematics, and astrology.


Presents an introduction to the history, culture, and civilization of the ancient Maya. Includes a glossary, an index, and lists of Internet sites and other references.

Mother Scorpion country

a legend from the Miskito Indians of Nicaragua = La tierra de la Madre Escorpi??n : una leyenda de los indios miskitos de Nicaragua
A brave young Miskito Indian follows his wife from the land of the living to the spirit world.

Exploring Mesoamerica

An examination of eighteen archaeological sites of Mesoamerica, from 1500 B.C. to 1519 B.C., with photographs, maps, reconstructions, and site plans.


A region-by-region exploration of trade in the native life of Northwestern Mexico; the Central Valley and the Gulf Coast of Mexico; Southwestern Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula, and Northern Central America; the Caribbean; the Amazon Basin; and the Andes.


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