to 1492

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to 1492

The black death

"The Black Death is the name most commonly given to the pandemic of bubonic plague that ravaged the medieval world in the late 1340s. From Central Asia, the plague swept through Europe, leaving millions of dead in its wake. Between a quarter and a third of Europe's population died, and in England the population fell from nearly six million to just over three million"--Provided by publisher.

Medieval people

An account of the lives of six individuals who lived during the Middle Ages: a Frankish peasant; Marco Polo; Madame Eglentyne; a middle class Parisian housewife; and, two English merchants.

A kid's life during the Middle Ages

Looks at the history of the Middle Ages from the perspective of children who lived in the era.

The totally gross history of medieval Europe

Readers learn the good, the bad, and the gross, as they examine the fashion and dress, diet, hygiene, medicine, and other aspects of Medieval Europe.

The totally gross history of medieval Europe

Text and illustrations introduce readers to the kinds of entertainment, diet, and medicine of medieval Europe that could be considered "gross" today.

Medieval punishment and torture

The medieval world had a variety of ways of dealing with crime, sorcery, and other instances of breaking society’s rules. Few of them were pleasant in any way. Indeed, many of these responses were embarrassing or painful for those being punished, and quite a few involved outright torture or even death.

Medieval medicine and disease

With no scientific knowledge to guide them, people of medieval times believed that diseases were supernatural phenomena or punishments from God. Thus medical treatment was usually primitive and often horrifying. But little by little, knowledge grew—leading to a more practical and scientific approach to understanding sickness and ways to treat it..

Medieval food and customs

From lords and ladies to merchants and serfs, medieval society was a rich tapestry centered on food, drink, feasts, and social gatherings. This book explores daily life in the medieval era through its appetites and customs focusing on country life, city living, weddings, and celebrations..

Social structure in the Middle Ages

Looks at the organization of European societies in the Middle Ages, and examines the symbiotic relationships among the various ranks of nobles and serfs.

The 1100s

Presents chronologically arranged primary and secondary source articles that examine some of the major political, social, and cultural events of the twelfth century.


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