father and child

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father and child

Dad, aren't you glad?

Although he is too little to take out the garbage, give a piggyback ride, and perform other tasks as well as his Dad can, a young child knows that there is one thing he can do as well as anyone.

My father's hands

A child's father digs in the garden, finding and presenting for inspection such wonders as a round gold beetle and a leaf-green mantis.

Leave it to Chance

Teenage trouble shooter and occult investigator Chance Falconer and her pet dragon investigate matinee cinema monsters that step out of the silver screen, a zombie hockey star who was murdered, and much more.

Leave it to chance

Fourteen-year-old Chance Falconer has only one goal in life: to follow in her father's footsteps and become a paranormal investigator, but her father doesn't approve and does his best to convince her to choose another path.

While you are away

Three children whose parents are serving in the military think about the special things they do together in order to keep from being sad, and dream about the day they will be together again.

That's Papa's way

When a father and child go fishing together, each does certain things his or her own way, and both have a wonderful day.

Pinky and Rex and the double-dad weekend

Pinky and Rex share a weekend with their fathers camping indoors due to rain.

The barn

In an effort to fulfill their dying father's last request, nine-year-old Ben and his brother and sister construct a barn on their land in the Oregon Territory.

Jokes to tell your dad

Presents a collection of jokes featuring fathers and their offspring.

Big guy

Derek is forced to face his sexuality and his troubled relationship with his father after he meets an injured young woman who helps him realize what is truly important in life.


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