family secrets

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family secrets


a novel
When her older brother Art--a Catholic priest and the popular pastor of a large suburban parish--finds himself at the center of a scandal, Sheila McGann, estranged from her family for years, returns to Boston, ready to fight for him and his reputation.

The red pyramid

Brilliant Egyptologist Dr. Julius Kane accidentally unleashes the Egyptian god Set, who banishes the doctor to oblivion and forces his two children to embark on a dangerous journey, bringing them closer to the truth about their family and its links to a secret order that has existed since the time of the pharoahs.

The particular sadness of lemon cake

a novel
Rose Edelstein, on the eve of her ninth birthday, bites into her mother's lemon-chocolate cake and is immediately aware of the hidden secrets the members of her family hold.

The healing spell

Eleven-year-old tomboy Livie is sure that she is responsible for the accident that has put her mother into a coma, so, trying to make amends, she travels through the Louisiana swamps to get a spell that will make her mother well again.

The Tiger's Wife

Remembering childhood stories her grandfather once told her, young physician Natalia becomes convinced that he spent his last days searching for "the deathless man, " a vagabond who claimed to be immortal. As Natalia struggles to understand why her grandfather, a deeply rational man would go on such a farfetched journey, she stumbles across a clue that leads her to the extraordinary story of the tiger's wife.

Heart's blood

When young scribe Caitrin is retained to sort through family documents at Whistling Tor, she discovers, and begins to unravel, a web of ancestral sorcery that that has crippled Anluan since childhood.


Bernard Doyle, former Boston Mayor and father of two adopted sons, has done his best to keep his sons interested in politics; however, one snowy evening an accident triggers into motion a series of events that will change their lives forever.

Conspiracy 365: Book one, January

After his father's murder, fifteen-year-old Cal becomes a fugitive and must find a way to survive the next 365 days, solve his father's murder, and uncover a history-changing secret.

Conspiracy 365

Book three, March
Fifteen-year-old Cal continues to survive the 365 day countdown as a fugitive, enduring a train catastrophe, unrelenting cops and criminal gangs, and being thwarted at every turn while trying to solve the mystery of the attack on his family.


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