Discusses the world's finite supply of water as it circulates through the water cycle. Describes how people use water to do work, how people can conserve water, and why it's important.
Discusses how stars cluster into galaxies and how galaxies move apart as the universe expands. Describes the properties of stars and the life cycle of a star. Identifies our place in the Milky Way galaxy and explores the vast universe of galaxies beyond the Milky Way. Describes how increasingly powerful tools allow scientists to look ever deeper into the universe.
What causes a volcano to erupt? How do scientists study volcanoes? Where have the most destructive eruptions occurred? Learn the answers to these questions and more in this media enhanced book.
An introduction to the rock cycle that discusses types of rocks, how it works, weathering, erosion, sediment, fossils, the work of geologists, and other related topics.
Presents information on fossils, in simple text with illustrations, discussing what they are, how they form, where they can be found, and what they say about the past.