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Pumpkin! Cookbook

Pancakes, pies, pasta, and more!
Cover image of Pumpkin! Cookbook

Pedro, comedor de calabaza

Children learn the "Peter Pumpkin Eater" nursery rhyme as Peter tries to find way to keep his wife Penny with pumpkins.
Cover image of Pedro, comedor de calabaza

The evil pumpkin pie fight

Twin dragons Ella and Owen, lost in a swamp, meet a pumpkin king who offers to help only if they will retrieve his body from the witch who stole it.

Fall pumpkin fun

Critical thinking and comprehension questions, fun facts, and charming illustrations show readers how people plant, grow, and harvest pumpkins. Readers will also see some of the fun and delicious ways to use pumpkins in fall.

Eye-popping jack-o'-lanterns

DIY glares, stares, and more
Provides step-by-step instructions for creating fantastic, fun jack-o-lanterns.
Cover image of Eye-popping jack-o'-lanterns

The biggest pumpkin ever

Two mice, each without the other's knowledge, help a pumpkin grow into "the biggest pumpkin ever"--but for different purposes.

Pumpkin, pumpkin

Jamie plants a pumpkin seed and, after watching it grow, carves it, and saves some seeds to plant in the spring.
Cover image of Pumpkin, pumpkin


A stemless pumpkin that yearns to be a Halloween jack-o-lantern watches sadly as all of the other pumpkins in the shop are chosen.
Cover image of Stumpkin

The perfect pumpkin hunt

Prilla searches for a pumpkin for the Fall Ball, but stops along the way to help her friends with their tasks.

What Columbus found

it was orange, it was round
Christopher Columbus sails to the New World and returns home with seeds that grow into a marvelous plant.


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