Shannon, George

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This is the bird

A cumulative tale about a wooden bird carved by a little girl's maternal ancestor, and passed down lovingly from mother to daughter through the generations.

Laughing all the way

Bear catches Duck and tries to pluck out all his feathers, but Duck outsmarts him.

Stories to solve

folktales from around the world
Brief folktales in which there is a mystery or problem that the reader is invited to solve before the resolution is presented.

Still more stories to solve

fourteen folktales from around the world
Fourteen brief folktales in which there is a mystery or problem that the reader is invited to solve before the resolution is presented.


When Warren moves away he misses his older friend next door and the times they shared in the garden, but the separation inspires each of them to do something creative about it.

April showers

A group of frogs enjoys dancing in the rain so much that they seem not to notice a snake sneaking up on them.

Dance away

Rabbit's dancing saves his friends from becoming Fox's supper.

True lies

Presents a collection of eighteen brief folktales in which the reader is asked to explain how the folk character lied and told the truth at the same time.

A Knock at the door

A collection of thirty-five versions, representing countries and cultures from around the world, of the traditional tale in which a dangerous character knocks at the door and tries to trick the children inside into letting him in. Includes information about the tales, related activities, and resources.

The surprise

Squirrel gives his mother a special surprise on her birthday.


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