Kiesbye, Stefan

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How does religion influence politics?

Contains thirteen articles that provide varying opinions on the questions of whether and how religion influences politics.
Cover image of How does religion influence politics?

Distracted driving

Examines the causes of distracted driving, including texting, navigation systems, and eating in the car, and their repercussions.
Cover image of Distracted driving

DNA databases

Contains thirteen essays that provide varying perspectives on issues related to DNA data banks, including the benefits and burdens of DNA databases, governmental intrusion on private information, securing privacy, physical profiles, and more.
Cover image of DNA databases


Cell phones and driving

Contains sixteen essays that present different perspectives on the debate over the use of cellular phones while driving, discussing safety, convenience, and public opinion.
Cover image of Cell phones and driving


Contains sixteen essays that present different perspectives on the debate over "sexting, " which is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photographs between cellular phones, discussing the risks, legalities, punishments for teens who participate in sexting, whether sexting can be considered child pornography, and other related topics.
Cover image of Sexting

Your house is on fire, your children all gone

a novel
Four old people recollect their adolescence in the German village of Devil's Moor and the unpleasant things that happened there.

The occupy movement

A collection of sixteen essays that explore various issues related to the Occupy Movement.

Blended families

A collection of sixteen personal narratives on issues related to blended families, including the experiences of growing up in a blended family, parenting in blended families, and defining family in nontraditional ways.



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