D?aniken, Erich von

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Gods from outer space

Chariots of the Gods?

The mysterious master builders of the stone age

This captivating book exposes readers to the question classic archaeologists can t seem to answer: how were some of our great Stone Age structures built? Impossible constructions, such as the Egyptian pyramids, required such amazing precision and mechanical ability that some archaeologists still wonder how they were ever built during their time. This book is a fun and investigative read that will get people interested in ancient history. It will also undoubtedly inspire any reluctant reader to fly through the pages. Detailed Table of Contents, Full-color photographs, For Further Information Section, Glossary, Index, Web Sites.

Aliens of the ancient world

This fascinating story about alien influences on ancient humans is packed with nearly 200 photographs to supplement the commentary. For example, the ancient city of Nan Madol, on the island of Pohnpei in Micronesia, contains huge basalt ruins. No one is certain how these ruins were built or why. This volume explores various legends and investigates the statues on Easter Island, the markings at Palpa and the Nazca lines in Peru, and underwater rock drawings, among other subjects, and poses the question, did cosmic gods come to Earth thousands of years ago to influence ancient humans and their cultures? Detailed Table of Contents, Full-color photographs, For Further Information Section, Glossary, Index, Web Sites.

Alien contact in ancient Greece

Did you know that the Ancient Greeks had their own take on science fiction? Their stories took place not in the future, but in a fantastical, faraway past, and they believed the events in these stories actually had taken place. Using archaeological research and mining the writings of ancient philosophers, the author posits that the tales associated with Greek mythology are actually legitimate history and that the Greek gods were in fact extraterrestrials. Readers will be awed by these reinterpreted myths and legends, such as a new explanation of Atlantis and the true origin of famous mythical creatures. Detailed Table of Contents, Full-color photographs, For Further Information Section, Glossary, Index, Web Sites.

Chariots of the gods?

Unsolved mysteries of the past
The author reviews some of the mysteries of man's past under the supposition that Earth has been visited by intelligent beings from other planets.

Miracles of the gods

a new look at the supernatural
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