Heller, Ruth

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"Gal?pagos" means "tortoises"

Rhyming text and illustrations present the characteristics and behavior of animals found on the Galapagos Islands, including the giant tortoises, blue-footed boobies, and land iguanas.

Ruth Heller's how to hide an octopus & other sea creatures

Describes, using rhyming text, how various sea animals change color to blend in with their surroundings.

Fine lines

A children's book illustrator shares her daily routine and creative life, showing how the two are intertwined.

The reason for a flower

Brief text and lavish illustrations explain plant reproduction, the purpose of a flower, and some plants which do not seem to be flowers, but are.

Ruth Heller's how to hide a crocodile & other reptiles

Rhyming text and pictures demonstrate the camouflage nature provides the python, iguana, chameleon, and other reptiles.

How to hide a polar bear & other mammals

Rhyming text describes how various mammals camouflage themselves to protect against predators.

How to hide a butterfly & other insects

Rhyming text describes how various insects camouflage themselves to proctect against predators.

Chickens aren't the only ones

A pictorial introduction to the animals that lay eggs, including chickens as well as other birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, insects, and even a few mammals.

Ruth Heller's how to hide a crocodile & other reptiles

Demonstrates how various reptiles such as snakes, iguanas, and geckos camouflage themselves in their natural habitats.

Ruth Heller's how to hide a butterfly & other insects

Rhyming text describes how various insects camouflage themselves to protect against predators.


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