united states

united states

The Kennedy detail

JFK's secret service agents break their silence
For the first time a member of John F. Kennedy's Secret Service Detail reveals the inside story of the president's assassination, the weeks and days that led to it, and the aftermath.

Steinbeck : Travels with Charley and later novels, 1947-1962

The Wayward bus ; Burning bright ; Sweet Thursday ; The Winter of our discontent ; Travels with Charley in search of America

A walk across America

The author describes his experiences during the two years he spent walking across the United States, from Alfred, New York, to the Gulf of Mexico.

A life on the road

A television journalist chronicles his travels and memoirs--the people, places, and events encountered in his life.

Blue highways

a journey into America
Records the author's travels on the back roads of America. This trip around America celebrates underestimated pleasures, simple lives, and the appreciation of a continuity with the past.

Off Main Street

barnstormers, prophets, and gatemouth's gator : essays
Presents a collection of essays that chronicles the author's first-hand experiences living, working, and growing up in the rural Midwest.

The walk West

a walk across America 2
From New Orleans newlyweds Peter and Barbara set out on a two-and-one-half year walk through Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, and to the Oregon coast.

The Earls case and the student drug testing debate

debating Supreme Court decisions
Both sides of the Supreme Court case over student drug testing are presented, as well as information on how students can conduct their own mock judicial proceeding.

Flight of passage

The author tells the story of the cross-country flight he and his brother made in 1966 at the ages of seventeen and fifteen, flying from the East coast all the way to California in a rebuilt Piper Cub, and discusses how their father's influence set them on the course to adventure.


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