environmentally induced diseases

Topical Term
environmentally induced diseases

Chemical sensitivity

the truth about environmental illness
Presents evidence to support the author's claim that conditions for which diet and/or chemical exposure are blamed often do not exist, discussing Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, mercury-amalgam toxicity, and other disorders, and considering the political, legal, and financial implications of such syndromes.

Toxin toxout

getting harmful chemicals out of our bodies and our world

When smoke ran like water

tales of environmental deception and the battle against pollution
Presents a series of accounts on the successes and failures of the struggle against environmental pollution.

Well body, well earth

the Sierra Club environmental health sourcebook
A realistic program for coping with the environmental hazards in our daily lives. Combines the latest medical and scientific information.

The politics of cancer

Discusses the wide range of human cancers that are environmentally induced or related and presents suggestions on how many cancers can be prevented by controlling environmental factors.

Environmental health sourcebook

Provides basic health information about the environment and its effect on human health, including the effects of air pollution, water pollution, hazardous chemicals, food hazards, radiation hazards, biological agents, and household hazards.

Body toxic

an environmental memoir
The author recounts the seasons her family spent at their summer home in New Jersey's Pine Barrens when she was a child--and the health problems she suffered ever since due to the radiation and toxic waste released by the nearby nuclear power plant.

The fourth horseman

a short history of epidemics, plagues, famine and other scourges

Environmental diseases

Discusses current studies on the influence of environmental factors on health and disease, and illustrates each with colorful photographs.

Environmental diseases

Examines how environmental factors such as hazardous chemicals and radiation may cause a variety of diseases.


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