educational leadership

Topical Term
educational leadership

Finding your leadership style

a guide for educators
Profiles seven educational leadership styles, presenting examples of them in action; discusses traits all good leaders share; provides questionnaires and focus questions to determine leadership qualities; and explains how to match one's own and others' leadership styles and strengths to particular tasks.

Building the learning commons

a guide for school administrators and learning leadership teams : a whole school approach to learning for the future
A guide to transforming school libraries and computer labs into dynamic places with both physical and virtual resources, including planning rubrics, worksheets, interview questions, charts, and other tools to help administrators and educators make the concept of a learning commons a reality in their schools.

Building leadership capacity in schools

Discusses the five features of effective leadership and explains how those features can be used in schools to increase student learning, parent participation, and community involvement.

On becoming a school leader

a person-centered challenge
Explains how a person-centered, rather than things-centered, approach would benefit school leaders, discussing the role of personal belief systems in individuals' behavior, the ways individuals respond to change, and the effects of person-centered leadership on organizations.

Learning by doing

a handbook for professional learning communities at work
Provides information and advice on developing a professional learning community in schools, and contains case studies, assessments, and strategies for implementing PLC concepts.


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