school superintendents and principals

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school superintendents and principals

You don't have to be bad to get better

a leader's guide to improving teacher quality
A leader's guide to improving teacher quality.

The last first day

"Ruth has always stood firmly beside her upstanding, brilliant husband, Peter, the legendary chief of New England{u2019}s Derry School for boys. The childless couple has a unique, passionate bond that grew out of Ruth{u2019}s arrival on Peter{u2019}s family{u2019}s doorstep as a young girl orphaned by tragedy. And though sometimes frustrated by her role as lifelong helpmate, Ruth is awed by her good fortune in her life with Peter. As the novel opens, we see the Derry School in all its glorious fall colors and witness the loosening of the aging Peter{u2019}s grasp: he will soon have to retire, and Ruth is wondering what they will do in their old age, separated from the school into which they have poured everything, including their savings. The narrative takes us back through the years, revealing the explosive spark and joy between Ruth and Peter{u2014}undiminished now that they are in their seventies{u2014}and giving us a deeply felt portrait of a woman from a generation that quietly put individual dreams aside for the good of a partnership, and of the ongoing gift of the right man{u2019}s love." -- Cover.


An introduction to the many jobs and responsibilities of elementary school principals.

The leadership paradox

balancing logic and artistry in schools
Discusses the role of principals in modern-day schools, and offers advice to school leaders on how to integrate both managerial and leadership skills into the performance of their job.

The first year as principal

real world stories from America's principals
Thirty school principals from all grade levels describe the challenges they faced in their first year on the job and the lessons they have learned since.

101 stunts for principals to inspire student achievement

Outlines 101 motivational stunts educators can use to creatively inspire and motivate students to higher academic achievement.

The principal as professional development leader

Provides strategies, skills, and the tools necessary for elevating the professionalism within the school administration including the importance of high-quality professional development and understanding standards and goals.

El Capit?n Calzoncillos y la rid?cula historia de los seres del inodoro morado

la octava novela ?pica
Crackers and Sulu, the Bionic Hamster, finds themselves in a backwards universe where George and Harold's own evil twins rule the school with the help of the wicked Captain Blunderpants.

Las aventuras del Capit?n Calzoncillos

una novela ?pica
When Jorge and Berto hypnotize their principal into thinking that he is the superhero Capit?n Calzoncillos, he leads them to the lair of the nefarious Dr. Pa?al, where they must defeat his evil robot henchmen.

Mr. Klutz is nuts! #2

A skateboarding principal offers unusual incentives to his students to motivate them to learn more.


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