American history through primary sources

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Digging up dirt

the muckrakers
Presents an illustrated history of the writers and photographers who exposed the ugly side of life in America, such as dangerous conditions in Chicago's stockyards and the poor treatment of patients in insane asylums, with information about modern versions of muckrakers and a glossary.
Cover image of Digging up dirt

Rosie the Riveter

women in World War II
Presents an illustrated history of the women who played crucial roles at home and overseas during WWII, including those in the Women's Army Corps "Rosie the Riveters, " nurses, and USO volunteers, with information about peoples' attitudes toward the new roles they played and a glossary.
Cover image of Rosie the Riveter

Top secret

Examines spies during the Cold War, providing information about different spy gadgets and espionage techniques.
Cover image of Top secret

Yanks in WWI

Americans in the trenches
Presents an illustrated history of U.S. soldiers in WWI, covering how the war was started and ended, the role of poison gas and use of trenches, and the efforts of the Harlem Hellfighters and war hero Alvin York, and includes a glossary.

Salem witch trials

colonial life
Presents an illustrated history of the witch trials in the English colonial town called Salem, where people's mental illness was mistaken for witchcraft, and discusses the role of Reverend Samuel Parris and various arrests, punishments and wrongful deaths of people whose behavior was misunderstood, and includes a glossary.

Rebirth of a people

Examines the Harlem Renaissance, providing information about the people, religion, recreation, and art of the era, and introducing prominent figures of the movement.

Digging up dirt

the muckrakers
Presents an illustrated history of the writers and photographers who exposed the ugly side of life in America, such as dangerous conditions in Chicago's stockyards and the poor treatment of patients in insane asylums, with information about modern versions of muckrakers and a glossary.

Counting coup

Describes the history and culture of the Crow nation, covering such topics as the practice of "counting coup," bison hunting, family life, and other topics.

America has fun

the Roaring Twenties
Chronicles the major events and people who helped to make the Roaring Twenties exciting including Babe Ruth, Charles Lindbergh, and Al Capone.

Varian Fry

A brief biography of American Varian Fry who, during World War II in France, helped over two thousand Jewish refugees escape from the Nazis.


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