women's clothing

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women's clothing

History of women's costume

Traces the trends of women's fashion from ancient Greece and Roman Britain to the 1920s and 1930s.

Fashion trends

how popular style is shaped
Explores fashion trends; discussing what they are, who sets them, and marketing techniques. Includes glossary and resources.

Flapper era fashions from the Roaring '20s

A collection of photographs and illustrations documenting the fashion trends of the flapper era, describing the dresses, haircuts, suits, and children's clothing that were popular in the years following World War I.

You are what you wear

what your clothes reveal about you
Explores the psychology behind style choices which explains why women do not dress their age, wear all the clothing they purchase, or dress to flatter their body shape, in order to help them develop a personal style and make life changes.

Seventeen ultimate guide to style

how to find your perfect look
The editors of "Seventeen" magazine offer tips on finding the perfect style, identifying six specific fashion looks--girly, edgy, boho, classic, glam, and indie--and providing tips on personalizing each look, as well as providing information on finding the right fit for jeans, swimsuits, and undergarments at any size.

Calico dresses and buffalo robes

American West fashions from the 1840s to the 1890s
Photographs and text examine the fashion trends of the American West from the 1840s to the 1890s, describing the materials used to make men's and women's clothing and the styles that were commonly worn.


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