A journey through history

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The story of medicine

Readers will discover the methods of medical care, from the ancients to modern technology. Readers are also treated to a tour of techniques from ancient Chinese, Egyptian, and Indian medical texts, Hippocrates and the Greeks, Arab centers of medicine, the legacy of Galen, and Renaissance anatomical studies.

The story of modern weapons and warfare

Readers are treated to a fascinating foray into the story of modern weapons and warfare. Timelines, maps, and a full resource section allow for deeper understanding and further exploration.

The story of ancient civilizations

Provides a brief glimpse of the culture, way of life, and history of the leading ancient peoples of the Middle East, India, Africa, Europe, eastern Asia, and the Americas.

The story of ancient weapons

Explains the development of weapons and tactics from the earliest clubs through the first firearms, and discusses armor, war animals, fortifications, siegecraft, and naval warfare.
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