jungle survival

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jungle survival

Tangled in the rainforest

"Alone in the rainforest, Joe is suddenly caught in a tropical storm. He uses his science skills to observe the habitat around him to build shelter, find food, and search for help."--Provided by publisher.

Jungle survival handbook

Describes how to survive in harsh jungle conditions and suggests ways to find food and water, build shelter, avoid danger, and signal for help.


Examines the kinds of survival skills that will come in handy if you are lost in the jungle.

Extreme exposure

In 1995, wildlife photographer Stephen Kirkpatrick joined a five-man expedition headed into the jungles of the Peruvian Amazon. Within hours of their departure, a series of bad decisions left the group hopelessly lost in the depths of the jungle. What began as a photo expedition became a struggle for survival.

Can you survive the jungle?

an interactive survival adventure
The reader chooses the course of an adventure in which a plane crash leaves him/her stranded alone in the Amazon jungle with little food or water.

Jungle of bones

When sullen teenager Dylan Barstow is caught joyriding in a stolen car, he is sent to his ex-Marine uncle for the summer, but soon they are on the way to Papua, New Guinea, in search of a World War II fighter plane and, Dylan discovers that defiance is not a survival skill when you are lost in a jungle.

Defying death in the jungle

Discusses how to survive in the jungle, with depictions, in graphic novel format, of three true survival stories, including two in the jungles of Bolivia and the case of crashed Navy pilot Dieter Dengler in the rainforest of Laos in 1966.

Jungle survival guide

Introduces young readers to jungles by describing how to survive if stranded in a jungle, discussing shelter, fire, finding food, dangerous animals, body protection, and rescue.

Bad girls

a novel
Sixteen-year-old Anna Wheeler is sent to a disciplinary camp for girls on a remote island and finds herself fighting her cruel peers for survival when a hike into the forest ends badly.


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