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El traje nuevo del emperador

Text in Spanish. An easy-to-read retellng of the vain king's experience with two deceitful tailors.

Los tres osos

An easy-to-read retelling of the encounter a family of bears has with a tired and hungry little girl.

El leon y el raton

nueva versi on de un cuento de Esopo

El pr?incipe rana

A retelling of the Grimm fairy tale in which a frog retrieves the princess' ball for a promise that the princess is reluctant to keep.

El traje nuevo del emperador

An easy-to-read retelling of the vain king's experience with two deceitful tailors.

El ratoncito del campo y el ratoncito de la ciudad

An easy-to-read retelling in Spanish of the well-known fable about two mice and the discovery they make.
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