When a stranger named Kokopelli arrives at a drought-stricken Puebloan village, he accepts gifts in exchange for teaching the villagers to sing and dance to bring the rain.
An introduction to the Pueblo people, explaining who they are, reviewing the history of the Pueblo, examining key aspects of Pueblo culture, and looking at Pueblo traditions that continue into the twenty-first century.
In order to marry Sage, the girl he loves, Young Eagle must leave his home in New Mexico and undertake a long and perilous journey to the land of the Aztecs to bring back chile seeds for Sage's father. Includes glossary of Spanish terms.
"The name Anasazi means Ancient Ones, and they were one of the first groups of people to establish a strong cultural presence in what's now the southwestern United States. Readers explore what daily life was believed to have been like for the Anasazi people, and they also explore the artifacts and other archeological finds that have led historians to their beliefs about the Anasazi way of life. Colorful photographs, historical images, and detailed maps help readers visualize life among the Anasazi. Important social studies curriculum topics are presented through engaging main text and informative fact boxes"--Amazon.com.