Ungar, Richard

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Yitzi and the giant menorah

When the people of Chelm receive the gift of a giant menorah from the Mayor of Lublin, they spend the days of Hanukkah pondering how to thank him for his great gift. When Hanukkah is nearly over, Yitzi comes up with the perfect idea.

Rachel's gift

Rachel's mother sets out to entice Elijah the Prophet to visit their poor home on Passover by making up a special batch of matzo ball soup, but it is Rachel with her unbidden act of kindness who catches Elijah's attention.

Time Trapped

"Caleb must train a group of young time-snatching recruits and thwart his dangerous rival"--Publisher.

Even higher

Reuven, being the smallest and fastest of his friends, learns an important lesson when he is challenged to follow the rabbi to find out where the man disappears to each year on the day before Rosh Hashanah.

Rachel's library

The people of Chelm, anxious to dispel their reputation as a town of fools, sends a delegation to Warsaw in search of answers, but it is young Rachel who comes up with the perfect solution after seeing Warsaw's impressive library.

Time snatchers

Thirteen-year-old orphan Caleb is a "time snatcher" who travels through history stealing valuable artifacts from the past for high-paying clients of his ruthless guardian.
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