Graphic Modern History, World War II

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Battle for the Atlantic

Contains accounts of the World War II battle for the Atlantic, in graphic novel format, including how a British pilot torpedoed the German destroyer Bismarck, and how German U-boat captains went from being hunters to being hunted.
Cover image of Battle for the Atlantic

The Western Front

Describes the battles along the western front of World War II in graphic novel format, including stories of pilots, infantrymen, and D-Day.
Cover image of The Western Front

War in the Pacific

Describes the Pacific battles of World War II in graphic novel format, including stories of Pearl Harbor, kamikaze attacks, and the atomic bomb.
Cover image of War in the Pacific

The secret war

Contains accounts of World War II undercover spy operations, in graphic novel format, including how Czech agents assassinated Reinhard Heydrich, and how British agents blew up trains.

Battle for the Atlantic

Contains accounts of the World War II battle for the Atlantic, in graphic novel format, including how a British pilot torpedoed the German destroyer Bismarck, and how German U-boat captains went from being hunters to being hunted.

War in the Pacific

Contains accounts of World War II on the Pacific front, in graphic novel format, including how an American torpedo bomber pilot witnessed the Battle of Midway, and how an American seaman helped fight off Japanese kamikaze attacks.
Cover image of War in the Pacific

North Africa and the Mediterranean

Contains accounts of World War II in North Africa and the Mediterranean, in graphic novel format, including how a New Zealand infantryman fought against German Paratroopers, and how a Canadian commander led troops in Italy.

The Eastern Front

Contains accounts of World War II's Eastern Front in graphic novel format, including a German private's lucky escape during the Battle of Stalingrad, and how a Russian commander inspired his troops during the advance into Romania.

The Western Front

Contains accounts of the World War II western front, in graphic novel format, including how a British fighter pilot helped win the Battle of Britain, and how an American sergeant helped capture the bridge at Remagen.

War in the Pacific

Contains accounts of World War II on the Pacific front, in graphic novel format, including how an American torpedo bomber pilot witnessed the Battle of Midway, and how an American seaman helped fight off Japanese kamikaze attacks.


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