Landau, Jennifer

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Helping a friend with an alcohol problem

In this book, readers learn how to help a friend who is abusing alcohol. It arms them with facts about alcohol, how it affects the teen mind and body, how to look for signs of a problem, and how to bring others on board to help.

Teens talk about learning disabilities and differences

Compiles first-person accounts of young adults discussing their experiences with attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, Asperger's syndrome, and other learning disabilities and differences.

Ayudar a un amigo con un problema de alcohol

Provides a guide for young people on how to help a friend who is abusing alcohol.

Teens talk about leadership and activism

Compiles first-person accounts of young adults discussing their experiences as leaders and activists.

Ways to make money with computers

For all the talk about how being computer savvy is a necessity in today's economy, teens aren't always aware of the many ways in which they can put their computer skills to work while they are still in high school. This highly informative guide points readers toward job opportunities in their communities and also lays out a roadmap for how they can develop their own tech businesses. It's full of concrete tips for dealing with a wide range of issues, such as understanding labor laws, doing your own taxes, interacting with difficult clients, learning programming languages, and mastering networking.

How to beat psychological bullying

Discusses what psychological bullying is, how it affects both the bully and the victim, and ideas on how to end the bullying.
Cover image of How to beat psychological bullying

Pesticides and your body

Examines the use of pesticides, how they became so popular, the health problems they can cause, and how you can protect yourself against them.
Cover image of Pesticides and your body

The right words

knowing what to say and how to say it
Explores the importance of using the right words to communicate effectively, and how this skill can help with personal, business, and electronic commuications.

Teens talk about self-esteem and self-confidence

Young adults will read real stories of teens dealing with issues such as the stinging criticism of their peers, stage fright, and the sense of isolation one can feel even in a large group of people.

Teens talk about suicide, death, and grieving

These engrossing stories offer first-person narratives of young adults coping with the death of someone close to them.


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