Cuentos con Alma

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A young girl and her father come together through the joy of flying kites.
Cover image of Barriletes

Barquitos de papel

During rainy days in Cuba the father makes paper boats out of old newspapers and sails them down the stream to an unknown destination. Includes instructions for paper folding.


The narrator recalls the sights and sounds of the street vendors who came to her house when she was a child and the lessons she learned about being fair and honest.

El pa?uelo de seda

A girl with a love for watching the cranes fly receives one day a small treasure from the sky.

El reino de la geometr?a

In the Kingdom of Geometry the triangles, squares, and other shapes live in peaceful harmony, until one day the King decides that squares are superior and discrimination arises.

Pin, pin, sarab?n

Every afternoon the neighborhood children of various ethnic and social backgrounds gather to play and sing traditional nursery rhymes in the town's park.

D?as de circo

When the circus arrives in town, two girls of different backgrounds become friends and yearn for one another's lifestyle.
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