
Topical Term

Eagle strike

After a chance encounter with assassin Yassen Gregorovich in the South of France, teenage spy Alex Rider investigates international pop star and philanthropist Damian Cray whose new video game venture hides sinister motives involving Air Force One, nuclear missiles, and the international drug trade.

Ark angel

After recovering from a near fatal gunshot wound, teenage spy Alex Rider embarks on a new mission to stop a group of eco-terrorists from sabotaging the launch of the first outer space hotel.

Finishing Becca

a story about Peggy Shippen and Benedict Arnold
Fourteen-year-old Becca takes a position as a maid in a wealthy Philadelphia Quaker home and witnesses the events that lead to General Benedict Arnold's betrayal of the American forces during the Revolutionary War.

The scorpio illusion

Amaya Bajaratt sets out to strike at the heads of Israel, England, France, and the United States while the international intelligence community moves to stop her.

Skeleton Key

an Alex Rider adventure
Reluctant teenage-spy Alex Rider, on a routine mission at the Wimbledon tennis championships, gets caught up in Chinese gangs, illegal nuclear weapons, and the suspect plans of his Russian host, General Sarov.

The Rosenberg Cold War spy trial

a headline court case
Details the lives of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, with a focus on their 1950's trial for allegedly spying during the Cold War.

Debt of honor

Jack Ryan must prepare the President to meet the challenge of new enemies striking not only U.S. territory but, also the heart of the U.S. economy.

M.E. Kerr introduces Fell

A strange incident on the night of the senior prom changes John Fell's entire life, leading him to enroll in an exclusive private school under an assumed name.

The sign painter's secret

the story of a revolutionary girl
When the Redcoats occupy her house in Philadelphia, young Annie MacDougal finds a way to help General Washington's troops at Valley Forge.

Henry and Mudge and the sneaky crackers

the sixteenth book of their adventures
While trying out the spy glasses, spy hat, and other items in their new spy kit, seven-year-old Henry and his dog Mudge make a new friend and form a spy club.


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