underground railroad

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underground railroad

Harriet Tubman

A biography of the African-American woman best known for her work with the underground railroad, describing her childhood as a slave, her escape to the North, her work during the Civil War, and more.

Who comes with cannons?

In 1861 twelve-year-old Truth, a Quaker girl from Indiana, is staying with relatives who run a North Carolina station of the Underground Railroad, when her world is changed by the beginning of the Civil War.

Get on board

the story of the Underground Railroad
Discusses the Underground Railroad, the secret, loosely-organized network of people and places that helped many slaves escape North to freedom.

Harriet Tubman

Surveys the life of Harriet Tubman, who spent her childhood in slavery and later worked to help other slaves escape north to freedom through the Underground Railroad.

The Underground Railroad

an interactive history adventure
Describes the history of the Underground Railroad, revealing historical details through the perspectives of a slave, a slave catcher, and someone helping slaves escape to freedom.

My America: freedom's wings

Corey's diary: Kentucky to Ohio, 1857
A nine-year-old slave keeps a diary of his journey to freedom along the Underground Railroad in 1857.

Ain't nobody a stranger to me

A grandfather tells his granddaughter about his journey on the Underground Railroad and teaches her to be nice to everyone she meets.

Harriet Tubman

hero of the Underground Railroad
An illustrated introduction to Harriet Tubman, a woman who escaped slavery and risked her life to lead other slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad.

Friend on freedom river

The Winter of 1850 finds young Louis alone with his mother when his father heads north for work, but when runaway slaves ask Louis for help being ferryed across the Detroit River he wonders what his father would do.


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