Baldacci, David

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King and Maxwell

When teenager Tyler Wingo receives what seems like an impossible message--from his father, reported K.I.A. in Afghanistan--he hires Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, former Secret Service agents, to investigate where the letter might have came from. Sean and Michelle uncover mysteries that force them to come to the strange conclusion that someone is after both Tyler and his father.

Wish you well

The lives of twelve-year-old Lou and her younger brother, Oz, change forever in 1940 when an accident involving their parents results in their being uprooted from their New York City home and moved to live with their great-grandmother in the mountains of Virginia.

Fries alive!

While competing with a rival restaurant for the winning float in the Founder's Day parade, nine-year-old Freddy Funkhouser constructs a batch of animated French fries in his secret laboratory that come to life after receiving an enormous jolt of electricity.

Hour game

Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, the former Secret Service agents, are on the trail of a serial killer in this new novel. King and Maxwell have just gone into business together as private investigators when Michelle discovers the body of a young woman in the woods. The body was posed with a wristwatch stopped at 1:00. Two high-school students are the next victims; both have watches on their wrists--the boy's reads 2:00, the girl's 3:01. King and Maxwell aid the police while working on their own case: a burglary in the house of Remmy Battle, a wealthy, tough southerner whose husband, Bobby, lies in a coma at the local hospital. The prime suspect is Junior Deaver, whose fingerprints are found at the crime scene. But Junior swears he's innocent. The victim list keeps growing: a successful high-powered lawyer and then Bobby Battle himself. Soon King begins to suspect that the serial killer might not be choosing his victims at random, and he believes one of the murders is the work of a different killer.

The winner

LuAnn Tyler, a twenty-year-old unwed mother, is targeted as the beneficiary of Jackson, a master criminal who fixes the national lottery in her favor in exchange for a share of the winnings, but when she violates a condition of their deal, LuAnn finds herself in peril not only from Jackson but from government officials who are on to the lottery scam.

Wish you well

The lives of twelve-year-old Lou and her younger brother, Oz, change forever in 1940 when an accident involving their parents results in their being uprooted from their New York City home and moved to live with their great-grandmother in the mountains of Virginia.

Total control

Sidney Archer, aided by FBI agent Lee Sawyer, searches for the truth about the disappearance of her husband Jason, a rising young executive with the world's leading technology conglomerate, who was supposed to be on an airplane that crashed, but apparently missed the flight and has not been seen since.

Absolute power

Burglar Luther Whitney is forced to run for his life after he sees Secret Service agents shoot and kill a wealthy, young socialite whose affair with the President of the United States had gotten out of control.


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