encyclopedias, juvenile

Geographic Name
encyclopedias, juvenile

Beacham's encyclopedia of social change

America in the twentieth century
Presents alphabetized articles on American social indicators of the twentieth century, containing time lines, statistical charts, selected bibliographies, and hundreds of historical photos. This volume covers "Retirement" through "Work and the Workplace.".
Cover image of Beacham's encyclopedia of social change

Frontier America

Provides an overview of the settling of the American frontier; contains alphabetically arranged essays that describe specific people, events, legislation, places, and states; and includes lists or resources and a chronology.
Cover image of Frontier America

Gale encyclopedia of multicultural America

Contains essays that provide information about 50 ethnic, ethnoreligious, and Native American cultures residing in the U.S., focusing on each group's experiences in the areas of acculturation and assimilation, family and community, language, religion, economics, traditions, politics, and contributions to American society. Arranged alphabetically from Georgian Americans to Ojibwa.
Cover image of Gale encyclopedia of multicultural America

Gale encyclopedia of multicultural America

Contains essays that provide information about 56 ethnic, ethnoreligious, and Native American cultures residing in the U.S., focusing on each group's experiences in the areas of acculturation and assimilation, family and community, language, religion, economics, traditions, politics, and contributions to American society. Arranged alphabetically from Acadians to Garifuna Americans.
Cover image of Gale encyclopedia of multicultural America

United States Encyclopedia

America's People, Places, and Events
Every state in the union is showcased in a spectacular way in this big, beautiful book of the U.S. Awesome to look at, fun to read, and easy to use, it includes an unparalleled amount of information that is both intriguing and useful. Beginning with a lush thematic section covering topics from early America to civil rights, population, and the new millennium, the United States Encyclopedia then delves into vibrant essays on each state and the U.S. territories. Fun facts about people, places, and events are sprinkled throughout. Also included: U.S. facts and figures, a listing of the presidents, and overviews of important historical American documents.-Amazon.

Children's encyclopedia of American history

Presents an illustrated encyclopedia of American history for children. Includes over 750 illustrations, maps, and charts, and the texts of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Gettysburg Address, as well as information on the history of each state.


""An introduction to space, including information about the astronomical bodies that make up the universe, noted astronomers, astronomical devices, and the history of space exploration, including explorers and space probes. Features include drawings, diagrams, photographs, and activities""--Provided by publisher.

Junior Worldmark encyclopedia of the Canadian provinces

Presents a comprehensive study of the Canadian Provinces and three territories and provides geographic, demographic, economic, and social information arranged into forty separate headings.

The Usborne Internet-linked encyclopedia of ancient Egypt

Chronicles the history of Ancient Egypt, from its origins as a group of settlements along the banks of the Nile, to its transformation into one of the world's earliest and greatest civilizations, describing its people, culture, traditions, and daily life; includes descriptions of Web sites which provide further information.


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