Time for kids nonfiction readers

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Chicas y chicos malos del mundo antiguo

Presents villains from ancient history, including Brutus, Antony and Cleopatra, Caligula, Nero, Cao Cao, Locusta, and Attila the Hun.
Cover image of Chicas y chicos malos del mundo antiguo

Mohandas Gandhi

A brief biography of Mohandas Gandhi, focusing on his school years, marriage, his life in England and in South Africa, and other topics.
Cover image of Mohandas Gandhi

Una mano a la pata

protegiendo los animales
Looks at how people can help a variety of animals and outlines ways to take action, including raising money for animal charities, becoming a citizen scientist, and choosing a career in animal care.
Cover image of Una mano a la pata

Next stop, the Caribbean

Introduces the exotic animals, colorful flowers, and islands of the Caribbean.
Cover image of Next stop, the Caribbean

Incredible invertebrates

Introduces readers to invertebrates.

Mammal mania

Introduces readers to mammals.


how cars move
Introduces how cars move, providing automobile history, and covering pollution, safety, how engines work, and more.

School around the world

Introduces and describes what school is like around the world, covering rural China, the Australian outback, Mexico, and more.

Markets around the world

Introduces markets around the world, including Asian markets, roving markets in Europe, fish markets in Tanzania, and more.

How plants grow

Photographs with simple text show early readers how plants grow from seed to tree. Includes list of words to know.
Cover image of How plants grow


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