Alfaguara infantil

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Julieta que? plantaste?

adaptacio?n de un cuento del folclore popular
A sly fox tries to trick his unsuspecting friend into doing all the work on his farm.
Cover image of Julieta que? plantaste?

Una luna

Everyone--from the president to the smallest child--becomes alarmed when the moon disappears from the night sky.
Cover image of Una luna

El gorila Raza?n

As the animals of the forest begin to sleep, a little frog sings under the moonlight. But, when Raza?n, the gorilla and leader of the animals, kicks the frog out of the forest, the other animals want the frog to come back.
Cover image of El gorila Raza?n

Habi?a una vez una

Grandma Antolina finds a key and begins a long journey into the country, up and down a mountain, and so on, until she finds the door it opens, where her grandchildren await.
Cover image of Habi?a una vez una

El secreto del sauce

A young boy enjoys working on his family's farm.
Cover image of El secreto del sauce

El profesor Zi?per y la fabulosa guitarra ele?ctrica

Professor Zi?per is the most popular teacher on campus, but the horrible scientist Cremallerus is extremely jealous of his colleague and will do anything to hurt him or his friends the rock band Nube Li?quida.
Cover image of El profesor Zi?per y la fabulosa guitarra ele?ctrica

Agu Trot

Shy Mr. Hoppy devises a plan to win the heart of his true love by teaching her a spell to make her tortoise grow bigger.
Cover image of Agu Trot

Padri?simo, Natacha

Natacha and Pati find themselves in some very entertaining situations after deciding to go into the business of writing made-to-order love letters.
Cover image of Padri?simo, Natacha

Asmir no quiere pistolas

When war breaks out in Sarajevo, Asmir flees with his mother, younger brother, and grandmother to Belgrade; when they find it is not safe there, they continue on with their uncles to Vienna, where Asmir wishes his father could come to meet them.
Cover image of Asmir no quiere pistolas

Manuelita do?nde vas?

Unable to sleep, Manuelita the tortoise embarks on a journey around the world. Presented in Spanish.
Cover image of Manuelita do?nde vas?


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