Read-it! readers. Nivel azul

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La gansa de los huevos de oro

versi?n de la f?bula de Esopo
A farmer learns a lesson in greed when one of his geese begins to lay one--and only one--golden egg each day.

El asno vestido de le?n

versi?n de la f?bula de Esopo
After putting on a lion disguise, a silly donkey amuses himself by frightening all of the animals in the forest, until he meets a clever fox.

Lili tiene gafas

Lili worries about how her life will change when she gets her first pair of glasses.

Dani el dinosaurio

Ever since Uncle Emilio gave Dani a dinosaur costume for his birthday, Dani has been misbehaving by acting like a dinosaur, and his sister can hardly wait for her birthday to see what Uncle Emilio brings to her.

Luis y la lamparilla

When Mike goes to bed at night, the images that his nightlight creates on the walls of his room stimulate even more images in his mind.

La c?mara de Carlitos

Young Carlito views ordinary objects from a different perspective through the eye of his camera.

Los osos pescan

When three bears go fishing in a little house on the ice and catch only one fish, they have a good time eating what they have brought in their backpacks.

En la playa

A family goes to the beach for a day full of fun and adventure.

El salvavidas

A rambunctious child complains that the lifeguard is spoiling his fun until his little sister gets into trouble in the water.

Todo se recicla!

Miss Drew's efforts to teach her class about recycling are very successful.


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