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Killer Croc of doom!

A mysterious villain has kidnapped hundreds of the homeless people of Gotham City and turned them into an army of mutated half-crocodile zombies led by Killer Croc, and when Batman himself is infected he must find a cure before it is too late.

Escaping Titanic

a young girl's true story of survival
Tells the true story of young Ruth Elizabeth Becker as her awe of the mighty Titanic turns to horror when she is separated from her mother and siblings.

Batman undercover

The Cosmic Annihilator, a weapon capable of destroying entire planets, is missing, and it is up to Batman to defeat his enemies and recover it.

Stitch head

Stitch Head, a Mad Professor creation, has long hidden in the shadows of Castle Grotteskew but now that the newest monster, the Creature, has decided that they are best friends, and the evil Freakfinder wants to kidnap the monsters for his freak show, Stitch Head finds himself cast in the role of hero.

Text 4 revenge

Three boys are getting text messages from their friend Adam, but the weird thing is, Adam is dead.

Captured by pirates!

an Isabel Soto history adventure
In graphic novel format, follows the adventures of Isabel Soto as she learns about pirate life during the Golden Age of Piracy. Written in graphic-novel format.

John Cena

rapping wrestler with attitude
Describes the life of John Cena, both in and out of the ring.

The kids' guide to magic tricks

Step-by-step instructions show how to perform a variety of illusions and entertaining magic tricks.

The gremlin's curse

Vlad the vampire is having a really bad day, and it looks like Alexander the gremlin may have accidentally cursed him by following him around, but gremlins can bring good luck as well as bad. Written in graphic-novel format.

The amazing work of scientists with Max Axiom, super scientist

In graphic novel format, follows the adventures of Max Axiom as he reveals what scientists do and how they work. Written in graphic-novel format.


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