Patrick, Cat

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We built this city

As Stevie tours with her sign-language group during the summer of 1985, she writes to famous radio jockey Casy Kasem to reveal her feelings towards her crush live over the air.
Cover image of We built this city

Tornado brain

"Thirteen-year-old Frankie is mostly doing okay, but sometimes she feels just plain weird. Her therapist might call her neurodivergent, but all she knows is she can't stand to be touched, loud noises set her on edge, and she's easily distracted. So it can be hard to make friends, but she did have one once, colette. She never made Frankie feel bad until the day they weren't friends anymore. Now Colette is missing, and Frankie may have been the last person to see her before she disappeared. Certan she's the only one noticing the clues Colette left behind, Frankie must put the pieces together and figure out what happened before it's too late"--Provided by publisher.

Paper heart

Companion to: Tornado brain.
Cover image of Paper heart

Tornado brain

Seventh-grader Frankie, who has various sensory disorders, is determined to find her missing best friend, Colette, before it is too late.

The Originals

Seventeen-year-olds Lizzie, Ella, and Betsey Best are clones, raised as identical triplets by their surrogate mother but taking turns living as her one daughter, Elizabeth, until their separate abilities and a romantic relationship force a change.


Having been brought back from the dead repeatedly by a top-secret government super drug called Revive, and forced to move so the public does not learn the truth, fifteen-year-old Daisy meets people worth living for and begins to question the heavy-handed government controls she has dealt with for eleven years.

The originals

Seventeen-year-olds Lizzie, Ella, and Betsy Best are clones, raised as identical triplets by their surrogate mother but living as her one daughter, Elizabeth, until their separate abilities and a romantic relationship force a change.


London Lane forgets everything each night and uses notes to struggle through the day, but she "remembers" future events and when they become more disturbing she realizes she must learn about the past lest it destroy her future.


After dying in a bus crash, Daisy Appleby is brought back to life thanks to a drug called Revive. Now a member of a government program that tests the drug, Daisy has been Revived five times and is forced to change her identity each time. When her desire for a normal life becomes too much, however, she fights to break free of the experiment that may have a much farther reach than she every imagined.


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