women cabinet officers

Topical Term
women cabinet officers

Frances Perkins

first woman cabinet member
Looks at the life and accomplishments of Frances Perkins, focusing on her work as a social reformer, and her appointment by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to the post of secretary of labor, making her the first woman cabinet member.

Frances Perkins

champion of the New Deal
A biography of Frances Perkins, the first woman appointed to a U.S. cabinet post and the longest-serving Secretary of Labor in American history, discussing her influence in the social and political history of the twentieth century.

Madeleine Albright

first woman Secretary of State
Describes the personal life and political career of Madeleine Albright, the first woman to become Secretary of State.

Madam Secretary

the story of Madeleine Albright
Examines the life and career of Madeleine Albright, former United States ambassador to the United Nations who became the first woman to serve as Secretary of State.

Condoleezza Rice

a memoir of my extraordinary, ordinary family and me
A memoir in which Condoleezza Rice, who served as National Security Advisor and as Secretary of State during the George W. Bush administrations, looks back over her life, discussing her childhood in Birmingham, Alabama, in the 1950s, her career in education, and her service in the government, and sharing stories of her family.

Hillary Clinton

Presents the history of Hilary Clinton's political aspirations throughout her life.

Condoleezza Rice

Tells the life story of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, covering her education, years teaching at Stanford University, political career, roles in the George W. Bush administration, and hobbies.


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