I am series

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I am a clownfish

Simple text and photographs introduce clownfish.

I am a water buffalo

Simple text and photographs introduce the water buffalo.
Cover image of I am a water buffalo

I am a great white shark

Photographs and simple text share facts and information about great white sharks, describing their physical characteristics, diet, habitat, and related topics.
Cover image of I am a great white shark

I am a penguin

Photographs and simple text share facts and information about penguins, describing their physical characteristics, diet, habitat, and related topics.
Cover image of I am a penguin

I am an alligator

Describes the physical characteristics of alligators and examines where they live and what they eat. Includes color photographs.

I am a lion

Photographs and simple text share facts and information about lions, describing their physical characteristics, diet, habitat, and related topics.

I am a dolphin

Photographs and simple text share facts and information about dolphins, describing their physical characteristics, diet, habitat, and related topics.

I am a camel

Describes the physical characteristics and behavior of camels.

I am a grizzly bear

Photographs and simple text share facts and information about grizzly bears, describing their physical characteristics, diet, habitat, and related topics.

I am a great white shark

Photographs and simple text share facts and information about great white sharks, describing their physical characteristics, diet, habitat, and related topics.
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