21st century safety and privacy

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Facebook safety and privacy

A discussion of safely using Facebook, an online social network site, that addresses proper ways to behave while online, acceptable use policies, privacy protection, and other related topics.

Downloading and online shopping safety and privacy

A discussion of online shopping and downloading that addresses proper ways to behave while online, acceptable use policies, privacy protection, and other related topics.

Twitter safety and privacy

a guide to microblogging
A discussion of safely using Twitter, an online social network site, that addresses proper ways to behave while online, acceptable use policies, privacy protection, and other related topics.

Twitter safety and privacy

a guide to microblogging
This title raises readers' awareness of the potential pitfalls of Twitter and explains what they need to know to use Twitter safely and enjoyably. Engaging photos, myths and facts, and questions for an Internet security expert enhance the clear text.

Online gaming safety and privacy

This guide to safe online gaming is a valuable resource for any teen gamer, as well as his or her parents. Written by a gaming blogger and longtime game enthusiast, it covers all of the bases of gaming safety.

Smartphone safety and privacy

Number of teens with smartphones has exploded. While this greater access to mobile technology has its advantages, it also holds potential dangers. Using many real-life examples, the author makes teens aware of these and other problems and gives practical guidelines for preventing them.

Facebook safety and privacy

This guide to privacy for Facebook helps readers navigate the settings on their accounts, what to share, what not to share, and more. It includes many special tips on picking an effective password, how to deal with parental concerns, and what to do when faced with specific situations.
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